
Great Wall of China

A massive ancient fortification stretching over 13,000 miles, built to protect against invasions and ensure northern borders' security.

Tips from the community

This is one of the most iconic sights in the world and top of the list for most people’s visit to China. Is it as good as everyone says it is? Absolutely! Nothing compares to standing atop of 2,300 years of history, the longest wall in the world, and surveying the land around you. Equally epic in winter and summer, the barren emptiness during cold weather makes you feel like you have the entire wall to yourself, but the greenery present in the warmer months is visually stunning. There are many different parts of the wall, and if you’re keen on using the giant toboggan slide to reach the bottom (and why wouldn’t you be?) make sure you leave via the Mutianyu section. You can also find a cable car there. The easiest way to visit the wall is with a private tour and many incorporate the slide as part of the trip.

booksandbao 5 years ago

There are a half dozen sections of the Great Wall within driving distance of Beijing, but Mutianyu is one of the most popular restored parts of the 3,852-mile wall. Mutianyu dates to the Ming Dynasty and is a 90-minute drive from the Chinese capital. The Mutianyu section is a challenging urban hike that features a series of watchtowers and views of the Chinese countryside. Weary hikers can take a cable car or chair lift up to the wall and then take a chair lift or toboggan ride down. Hiking parts of the Great Wall is, hands down, one of the best things to do in Beijing.

laurenmack 2 years ago

There are a half dozen sections of the 3,852-mile Great Wall within an hour or two of Beijing, but the restored sections of Badaling, Mutianyu, and Jinshanling are the most popular. Consider combining a Great Wall tour with a visit to the nearby Ming Tombs— two of the best things to do in China.

laurenmack 3 years ago

Rise early on the second day for a tour to the Great Wall of China at Badaling, 43 miles northwest of Beijing, taking in the Ming Tombs. If you have time, book lunch or enjoy sundowner drinks on the terrace of Commune by the Great Wall with views over the Shuiguan Valley.

amanmehta 6 years ago

Great Wall of China Guides

Great Wall of China Articles

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