United States Washington Washington

Mount Rainier National Park

An iconic US national park known for its active stratovolcano, glaciated peaks, wildflower meadows, and old-growth forests near Seattle.

Tips from the community

The Mount Rainier National Park emanates out from the hulking peak – the highest in the Cascades – that sits at its center and gives it its name. Wherever you are in the reserve, there’s rarely a moment when the snow-mantled summit of the mighty mountain won’t be within eyeshot. Around it swirls beautiful springtime wildflower meadows and gushing waterfalls fed by ancient glaciers. If you’re okay with staying off the main peak (reserved for the veteran mountaineers), there’s loads of alpine hiking and wildlife viewing to be had.

jrfrancis 3 years ago

Embarking on a road trip from Los Angeles to Seattle, a visit to Mount Rainier National Park offers a breathtaking detour showcasing the majestic beauty of the Pacific Northwest. With its towering volcanic peak, over 260 miles of maintained trails, and diverse ecosystems, the park serves as a perfect spot for hiking, photography, and immersing oneself in nature's grandeur before reaching your final destination. Whether you're seeking solitude in its alpine meadows or exploring its ancient forests, Mount Rainier is a must-visit gem along this scenic journey.

gocamp 2 weeks ago

Snowmelt usually comes in late March or early April, which finally opens the trails of Mount Rainier. It can be muddy, but on the flip side you get rushing waterfalls (Comet Falls are spectacular) and fresh green fir forests aplenty.

jrfrancis 3 years ago

Mount Rainier National Park Guides