United States Mississippi


A historic town renowned for its deep blues music roots and the crossroads of legendary Delta bluesmen's myths.

Tips from the community

The live music and friendly locals in Clarksdale won me over!

harborsandhavens 2 years ago

it looks so cool!

stillontheroad 2 years ago

Clarksdale Guides

  • The Delta Tamale Trail

    jvandergriff (Jody Vandergriff)
    The “Cotton Rush” of the turn of the last century brought all sorts of cultures and nationalities to the Mississippi Delta. One such group were the Mexicans who could make more picking cotton in the Delta than they could make anywhere else in the country. Of course they brought their food with them, and the “hot tamale” was introduced to the African-American laborers who worked beside them. That’s one theory, anyway. Other theories suggest that tamale recipes were brought back from the Mexican-American War, or that the Native Americans had been making tamales all along. However they got here, we’re glad they did! At any rate, the popularity of the tamale took off because of their portability, affordability, and full flavor. You may ask yourself how the Mexican tamale is different from the Delta tamale. According to the Southern Foodways Alliance, the Delta tamale differs in that, “Tamales from the Mississippi Delta are smaller than Latin-style tamales, are simmered instead of steamed, have a gritty texture from the use of corn meal instead of corn flour, have considerably more spice, and are usually served with juice that is the byproduct of simmering.” There are dozens of great places to try the different varieties of Delta Tamales (some places even deep fry them) throughout the region and we’re going to name some of them below. And if you’re really, really into tamales, you don’t want to miss the Delta Hot Tamale Festival which takes place in Greenville every October
  • The Civil Rights Guide to the Mississippi Delta

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Venture into the heart of America's deep South with our comprehensive Civil Rights Guide to the Mississippi Delta, where the rich tapestry of American history is woven with stories of struggle, resilience, and triumph. Here, amidst the sprawling cotton fields and alongside the mighty Mississippi River, you'll trace the footsteps of heroes who marched bravely towards equality. This guide will be your trusted companion as you explore historic sites, moving memorials, and museums dedicated to the men and women who stood up against injustice to shape the nation's conscience. We invite you to immerse yourself in the poignant narratives that resonate through the Delta, shedding light on the pivotal moments that have defined the civil rights movement.
  • The 9 Best Day Trips from Memphis, Tennessee

    kaylee (Kaylee Giacomini)
    It’s easy to spend a while in the Southern city of Memphis, Tennessee. If you are, however, looking to spend a day or two outside the city, Memphis’ location right on the border of three states makes it an interesting place to explore. The exciting cities of Nashville, Tennessee and Jackson, Mississippi are around 3 hours away, or you could explore stunning state parks less than an hour outside of Memphis. Check out some of the best day trips to take from Memphis, Tennessee below.