
An island nation off the southeastern coast of Africa, renowned for its unique wildlife, including lemurs, and diverse ecosystems.

Madagascar Guides

  • Islands to visit before I die

    gaia.cozzoli (Gaia Cozzoli)
    When I went to Hawaii I fell in love with the nature and the sensation of stillness. Before I die I really want to travel to other islands, expecially the most underrated ones! #SeekerChallenge
  • World Heritage Sites in Africa

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    The beautiful and rich history of the continent of Africa becomes evident in these UNESCO world heritage destinations. From the birthplace of ancient humans to vast desert landscapes, unique wildlife, and pristine coastlines, explore deep into this gorgeous continent and the history of humankind at these entirely life-changing and inspiring world heritage sites.
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  • do before i die destinations

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    If I don't get to sip tea in Sri Lanka's hillside, read books in the Lake District, cozy up with Christmas lights in Zermatt, and watch grizzlies catch fish in Alaska before I die, I'm gonna *riot*. From the totally obtainable (White Sands National Park) to the obscure (Lofoten), here's my big, bad, do-before-I-die bucket list.
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    seeker (Seeker Editors)
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  • Islands on my hit list

    chiefseeker (Jody Vandergriff)
    It's no secret that I love islands. This is an ongoing bucket list of the islands I hope to visit one day - and a few I have actually made it to!
  • Africa Bucket List

    thegoddess_pallas (Pallas-Amenah Morgan)
    My top 10 countries to visit in the African continent - hint: it's much more than safaris and villages! #seekerchallenge #DoBeforeIDie
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