
East African nation renowned for its savannahs, wildlife safaris, Great Rift Valley, athletic prowess in long-distance running, and Swahili culture.

Tips from the community

“Kenya is savage and beautiful, poor and rich. It has months of endless sunshine and seasons of torrential rain. It is bathed in colours so bright they hurt your eyes and dust so thick the country is painted red. Kenya is corrupt yet honest, dangerous yet kind. It has a diverse and incredibly beautiful landscape, populated with wildlife that few countries on earth can match.   Nairobi is city exploding with art, designers, restauranteurs and the techy start ups. It is a modern capital and the third largest economy in Africa, yet within the city bounds you will find Africa’s largest slum. An hour outside the city you will find villages where lives have remained unchanged for centuries.

dine.murphy 3 years ago

I live in Kenya. It is more than a sum of its parts. It is beaches and animals and rich and poor. Try it for yourself

dine.murphy 3 years ago

Kenya Guides

  • Kenya safari

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    A list of Kenyan safari's. Aiming to include them all, none are too big or too small.
  • Marine Parks and Diving in Kenya

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    Marine Parks and places to dive along the Kenyan Coast. There are five Marine Parks in Kenya, Kiunga (Lamu) Malindi, Watamu, Mombasa and far south Kisite. Although there are diving opportunities all along the coast. Diani beach is a huge diving destination whilst technically not located in a Marine Park
  • Best hotels in Nairobi

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    The best, most luxurious hotels in Kenya's capital city
  • Cities in Kenya

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    Cities and Large Towns in Kenya
  • Masai Mara - can't get wilder.

    nandini.javia (Nandini Javia)
    The Masai Mara Reserve, located on Kenya's southern border with Tanzania, joins the Serengeti wildlife park to form probably the region's most spectacular wilderness area. There are no fences separating Kenya and Tanzania, and there are no fences separating the reserves from the nearby private conservancies. Allowing all animals to travel freely from south to north and back, as they have done for decades. Not only is the Masai Mara one of the greatest wildlife reserves in Kenya, it is also unique in that it is not managed by the country's wildlife services but rather by the local communities. You will see the BIG 5 and meet the local friendly Masai tribe! One of the best Africa has to offer!!!
  • Maasai Mara

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    Kenya's celebrity safari destination is beautiful for its wildlife migration and its huge numbers of deadly predators.
  • Transport in Kenya

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    Planes, trains, automobiles and the tuk tuks, boda boda and donkeys that go inbetween
  • Kenya

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
  • Best beaches in Kenya

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    Kenya has white sand, Indian Ocean beaches along its entire Eastern side.. Here are the best
  • Wildlife activities in Nairobi

    dine.murphy (Nadine Murphy)
    Where can you go to see animals in Nairobi
  • Kenya and Tanzania 2022

    chiefseeker (Jody Vandergriff)
    Planning for our trip to East Africa in 2022 - I studied Swahili for 3 years in college and have yet to make it there. When Covid is over, it is finally happening!
  • Ethical Wildlife Tourism

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Explore the vast and friendly wildlife on this planet through these amazing ethical tourism escapades, from underwater adventures to African safaris- the options are endless. Truly life-changing experiences are available on every continent, ride on a sled with huskies in the arctic forests of Finland or volunteer at an elephant sanctuary in gorgeous Thailand. Here are our top pics of ethical wildlife destinations from around the world.
  • Elephant sanctuaries that you can visit

    wildlifeconnect (Wildlife Connect )
    Isn't it incredible to think about sharing a moment with the gentle giants of the animal kingdom? Elephant sanctuaries offer an ethical and intimate way to do just that, all while providing a haven for these magnificent creatures. These refuges not only prioritize the well-being and conservation of elephants but also allow us, as visitors, to learn about their complex social structures, behaviors, and the challenges they face in the wild. So, if you're someone who's passionate about wildlife and looking for a way to connect with nature responsibly, let me introduce you to some elephant sanctaries that welcome visitors with open arms, ready to create unforgettable memories and foster a deeper appreciation for these extraordinary animals.
  • Sanctuaries around the world for unique animal encounters

    wildlifeconnect (Wildlife Connect )
    Imagine a world where you can lock eyes with a sleepy sloth hanging from a tree, get splashed by a playful dolphin, or hear the distant roar of a lion while tucked away in a cozy safari lodge. This is the kind of magic that awaits in sanctuaries around the globe, where wildlife and humans can safely meet. These unique havens not only provide unforgettable animal encounters for us humans but are vital for the protection, rehabilitation, and sometimes the survival, of numerous species. Whether nestled in lush rainforests, perched on the edge of vast savannahs, or hidden in the warmth of tropical waters, these sanctuaries offer a chance to witness nature's marvels up close, in a way that respects the wild hearts of our planet's fascinating creatures. So, grab your adventure hat, and let's explore some of the most incredible sanctuaries around the world that foster these genuine connections with the animal kingdom.
  • Race-cation Destinations

    mustangdmv (Danielle Call)
    In addition to traveling, I also really enjoy running. I've completed numerous 5k's 8k's 10k's, trail races, and a half marathon. 2022 will be my first marathon starting with the iconic NYC Marathon. With races in so many beautiful places I should definitely start training!
  • Ryan's Post-Covid Travel List

    ryan (Ryan Haq)
    These were trips I had planned pre-Covid that I'm itchin' to finish. Who's joining me?
  • Places I'd love to visit

    laura_comin (Laura Comin)
    These are the places I wish to see before I die.
  • Wildlife sanctuaries that you can visit

    wildlifeconnect (Wildlife Connect )
    Ever dreamed of wandering amidst lush greenery and coming face-to-face with nature's most majestic creatures? Wildlife sanctuaries offer just that – a chance to step into the habitats of the animal kingdom and witness the wonders of the natural world up close. These havens of biodiversity not only provide crucial protection for wildlife but also invite us humans to immerse ourselves in an experience that's both enlightening and humbling. From the roaming giants of the savannahs to the elusive predators of the dense forests, each sanctuary is a world unto itself, waiting to be explored. So, grab your binoculars and let’s take a virtual trek through some of the most amazing wildlife sanctuaries that you can actually visit. Prepare to be awed!
  • Do Before I Die Destinations

    chiefseeker (Jody Vandergriff)
    This is my big bucket list of places to see before I die. #seekerchallenge
  • World Heritage Sites in Africa

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    The beautiful and rich history of the continent of Africa becomes evident in these UNESCO world heritage destinations. From the birthplace of ancient humans to vast desert landscapes, unique wildlife, and pristine coastlines, explore deep into this gorgeous continent and the history of humankind at these entirely life-changing and inspiring world heritage sites.