The Balkans: Exploring History, Heritage, and Humanity

Ryan Haq

In April 2024, we embarked on a trip through the north Balkans: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Serbia. Embarking from Ljubljana, our journey through the Balkans unfolded with unexpected encounters and profound reflections. Exploring Slovenia's charming streets and historic sites, we found ourselves immersed in its laid-back atmosphere. Venturing into Bosnia, we confronted the haunting legacy of the Yugoslav wars, with Mostar's picturesque streets and iconic bridge providing a backdrop for reflections on ethnic conflict and reconciliation. In Serbia, we experienced a blend of modern urban life and historical richness. Despite occasional discomfort, our travels offered moments of introspection and connection, culminating in a profound exploration of history, humanity, and the enduring spirit of the region. Highly recommend this trip!

Vinodol, Valmarie Restaurant, Nokturno, La Štruk, Panoramic View-Point of Zagreb City, Museum of Broken Relationships, Bitters Bar, ENDORFIN, Kneza Mihaila, One Luxury Suites Belgrade, Funk & Soul Pub 2, Piano Pub, National Museum of Serbia, Nikola Tesla Museum, Museum of Yugoslavia, Srebrenica Memorial Center, Viewpoint of Sarajevo, Kebab House Sarajevo Doner, Hrapović Hats, Board Room